by Dan Wood

Yeah another oldie.  Let me put this straight as well! :)

You  always  hear  all  these  tossers talking about "legalise dope it's
fine".   Hmmn,  no  no  no no.  Ok the first argument always used, "It's
harmless".  Let's look at FACTS, it has been directly linked to 12 forms
of  throat  cancer, has been proven to give users some short term memory
loss  in  early life, and long term memory loss in later life.  Ever had
the  munchies?   Yeah,  most  users  do,  and they don't know what it is
"durghh,  um..   when  ya get 'ungry..  durghh".  It's a MASSIVE drop in
the bodies blood sugar.  Which isn't good for your body, at all.

Secondly  we  hear "cannabis is fine, people smoke it, it's not like the
hard  stuff".   I've spoken and worked with drug rehabilitation clinics,
and  EVERY  one, 100%, ALL of the people who have gone onto harder drugs
like  Cocaine  and Heroin started with pot.  Fact.  So it doesn't always
lead on to harder stuff, I accept that, but it can.

Let's  go  to the local party...  a room full of 16 and 17 year olds, 40
of  them, there's a group of about 20 smoking pot.  How many are smoking
it  because  they  WANT  to?  3 maybe 4?  The rest of them do it because
it's  the  "cool" thing to and it's breaking the rules.  If you legalise
it,  and  it's  just  like  buying a pack of 20 fags, then it's not cool
anymore or breaking the rules, so they have to move onto something else,
like "E"s which can be fatal.

A  lot of them say "but it's not as harmful as smoking or alcohol", yeah
we have these problems.  When we first legalised them it was a LONG time
ago  before  we  realised  they can stuff up your life, but now it's too
late,  if  we ban them the entire social system of this country would be
buggered.  Pot is a third problem, so why create it?  Why not just stick
to the two we have with out legalising a third problem?  It doesn't make
